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Employee Spotlight: Mother's Day Feature


To honor Gas South moms, we spoke with a few mothers on our staff to learn more about their Motherā€™s Day plans and what it means to be a mom.


  • Tiara Allen, Customer Care Representative ā€“ daughter Cayla Surai
  • Sheirra Granville, Customer Care Representative ā€“ son Alijah Sherrod (13)
  • LaNise Jones, Operations Specialist ā€“ son Jordan (6 months)
  • Stephanie Perrone, Senior Marketing Coordinator ā€“ daughters Karina (3) and Milania (1)
  • Kimberly Rollins, Customer Care Coach ā€“ daughter Jessica (17), and sons Justus (14) and Jacobi (10)

Does your family do anything special for you or for your mom on Motherā€™s Day?

ā€œEvery mother in my family gets together and we cook all the favorite dishes of all the moms in the family.ā€ ā€“ Tiara Allen

ā€œNormally I plan Motherā€™s Day for my mother and mother-in-law and the whole family goes along with what I plan. Since this will be my first Motherā€™s Day, I have no clue how it will be spent ā€“ I have been told itā€™s all a surprise!ā€ ā€“ LaNise Jones

ā€œWe have a tradition of having family dinner and spending the day together. My mother lives with me, so my kids and I make sure she is treated special by showering her with gifts and taking her to brunch or dinner. Motherā€™s Day is a special day for my family because Iā€™m a single mother and my mother has been my backbone! She runs the house and I make sure the needs of the family are met. She is truly a jewel and Iā€™m thankful for all she is in my familyā€™s life.ā€ ā€“ Kimberly Rollins

What is one of your favorite things about being a mom?

ā€œThe warm hugs, sloppy kisses and bright smiles.ā€ ā€“ LaNise Jones

ā€œWatching my daughtersā€™ personalities grow and change on a daily basis. Itā€™s especially fun to witness mine and my husbandā€™s characteristics and quirks emerge in their personalities ā€“ both girls love shoes as much as I do!ā€ ā€“ Stephanie Perrone

ā€œI love the laughter of my children. They bring me joy daily. Just to see them engaged, healthy and productive means the world to me. Theyā€™re truly my gifts and they make me proud in their studies, behaviors and character.ā€ ā€“ Kimberly Rollins

How has your own mom helped shape how you raise your child/children?

ā€œMy mom has always been very supportive of everything Iā€™ve been involved in. She tells me often how proud she is of the woman and mother I have become.ā€ ā€“ Sheirra Granville

What does it mean to be a mom?

ā€œBeing a mother is my greatest accomplishment. I never knew how one small person could give me so much motivation and the unnerving desire to be the best that I can be. I appreciate life and family so much more! I respect my mom and dad for all of the sacrifices that they made for me and it reassures me that I can do the same for my child. Being a mom is awesome and I wouldnā€™t change it for the world.ā€ ā€“ Tiara Allen

ā€œBeing a mom is the best feeling in the world. I strive to be the best mom I can be for my son every day. I enjoy the time we spend together and Iā€™m just grateful for the opportunity to be a mom. I donā€™t take the time we spend together for granted and Iā€™ve learned over the years to cherish every moment. Everything I do is to help ensure a better lifestyle for my son and I. Heā€™s my pride and joy and I love him with everything inside of me. It gives me so much joy to hear my son say. ā€˜My mom is my role model.ā€™ It reassures me that Iā€™m doing something right.ā€ ā€“ Sheirra Granville

ā€œMotherā€™s Day is very special to mothers and my hope is that every mother is appreciated every day, but especially on Motherā€™s Day. Iā€™m thankful for having an employer that embraces mothers and all the activities we have to do in our roles. Itā€™s truly a blessing to be called ā€˜mother.ā€™ā€ ā€“ Kimberly Rollins




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